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100 Success Rate In Intercepting Russian Missiles

US-Provided NASAMS Air Defense Systems Prove Highly Effective in Ukraine

100% Success Rate in Intercepting Russian Missiles

Raytheon Awarded $12 Billion Contract for Additional NASAMS

WASHINGTON, DC - The US-provided NASAMS air defense systems have achieved a remarkable 100% success rate in intercepting Russian missiles in Ukraine, according to a recent statement by the Ukrainian military. The systems have proven to be highly effective in protecting critical infrastructure and civilian areas from air attacks.

In response to the impressive performance of the NASAMS, the US Army has awarded a $12 billion contract to Raytheon Technologies Co. for the procurement of six additional National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS).

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy expressed gratitude for the US support, noting that the NASAMS have been "invaluable" in countering Russian airstrikes. He added that the new contract for additional systems will further strengthen Ukraine's air defense capabilities.
